The shop is called 'Hot Dog' and is situated at River Valley Rd.
Click on here Hot Dog for more information
I was so happy to see Chomel when i picked her up at the shop. However, these were some of the comments thrown at me about my pup:-
1. Very friendly dog in deed
2. However, shows no respect for newspaper and urinates everywhere EXCEPT on the paper (apparently she chewed up most of it)
3. Barks unnecessarily
4. unable to differentiate right from wrong
5. unable to obey simple commands like N-O
6. still very friendly and gets along well with ALL dogs
Sigh. Even I cant perfectly execute all of the above ;p Especially #4 and 5
Anyways, I accepted all the comments made humbly and vowed to train my doggy to be a Super Dog within the next 2 weeks. Ok so she ' s not so clever at basic stuff, but hey at least my Chomel knows her name and is able to SIT on command :)
So first on my list.
1. To get Chomel paper trained ie. to pee and poo on newspaper (instead of the kitchen floor, living room floor, dining room floor, utility area floor or the lower ground floor of my apt)
To carry out this task, Ive constructed a mini play pen for her.
In it, there is a 'toilet' area, constant supply of fresh drinking water and the best of all her 'rest' area with a comfy bed & pillow , 'carpet' and toys
Like human, dogs are fairly clean animals too. This play pen distinguishes between her 'rest' area from her 'toilet'
With a lot of effort of feeding at the appropriate time and cleaning up the newpaper once it's been littered and giving Chomel loads of praise everytime she does it right, Praise the Lord Hallelujah my pup has been doing it right with accidents kept to a minimum of 2 times.
More post to come about Chomel's progress ;)
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